Corporate Information
Board of Directors
Mr Roger Tan (Executive Chairman and Executive Director)
Mr Alvin Ong (Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director)
Mr Tan Siang Leng (Lead Independent Director)
Mr Ng Hong Whee (Independent Director)
Mr Chua Ser Miang (Independent Director)
Audit Committee
Mr Tan Siang Leng (Chairman)
Mr Chua Ser Miang
Mr Ng Hong Whee
Nominating Committee
Mr Chua Ser Miang (Chairman)
Mr Tan Siang Leng
Mr Ng Hong Whee
Remuneration Committee
Mr Ng Hong Whee (Chairman)
Mr Tan Siang Leng
Mr Chua Ser Miang
Company Secretary
Ms Lim Yi Hui, Joceyln
Registered Office
1 Bukit Batok Crescent
#04-11 WCEGA Plaza
Singapore 658064
Full Sponsor
RHT Capital Pte. Ltd.
36 Robinson Road
#10-06 City House
Singapore 068877
Independent Auditor
CLA Global TS Public Accounting Corporation
(Formerly Nexia TS Accounting Corporation)
80 Robinson Road
Singapore 068898
Share Registrar
Boardroom Corporate & Advisory Services Pte. Ltd.
1 Harbourfront Avenue
#14-07 Keppel Bay Tower
Singapore 098632